Today I decided to FINALLY check out the world of blogging from the 'other' end. Up until now I've only been a 'reader' of blogs even though I've often wondered what it would be like to write one. Of course the big dilemma was if I did have a blog what in the world would I blog about?!?! I mean after all my life isn't that exciting, I don't have any hobbies or tips that I would like to share with others nor do I feel the need to purge. Well at least not until now.
For the last few months my girlfriend and I have been wedding planning and it's been a very interesting experience for me. Not only because we are two brides, but more so because the wedding planning experiences is 'unique' and the multi million dollar wedding industry is a world all it's own.
So much so, I wrote a blog about it......
(Prior to me starting this blog we had already found our wedding venue. To read about the venues we visited in NYC & the experiences we had during our visits, see all post below this one and click on 'older post'.)
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