The count down has begun....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Traditions, from the untraditional....

As a couple who is nontraditional, having a nontraditional wedding, and wanting to make it unique in some nontraditional's hard to stay away from some of the traditions that come with weddings. Confused yet? are

If I were to sit here and type out the many ways this wedding has changed, I would be in front of my computer for at least 2 days. It's now December and we are a little more than 7 months out with several things still not confirmed. In a way it's been hard to narrow things down since the cruise line takes care a lot of the larger details, but the small ones are what's sticking me like thorns on a rose.

Although I know the bigger picture of the wedding with remain the same (we are 100% doing it on a cruise ship), I have a feeling the smaller details will go through another transformation and so I sit here with baited breath............

Love this site!     

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